Going into the New Year I have many goals I have set for myself. There is one though that I am holding most important…being present. I am with my children all day, everyday. However, I am not really present. I am doing what most parents do…cleaning, cooking, laundry, working, answering emails and the list goes on. This year I am making an effort each and everyday to put my phone on silent and just be with my kids. To walk away from the overflowing sink of dishes, the piles of laundry, the unanswered messages, and just be with them. Children really do grow to fast. Two months ago my little one took her first steps, and now she is fully walking. This time last year she was a ten pound little bundle swaddled up in my arms. Time really does fly by and if you blink you might just miss the little things. Those little things are the important things and I have missed too many of them.
I am also going to take more time to document my sweet babies at home. Our home isn’t a Pinterest home, it isn’t perfect and most the time it is a mess, but it is ours. It is where our babies are growing up and where they spend most of their time so what better place to photograph them. I suggest you try it this year. Capture those everyday memories. Capture the little things. Capture your little ones being little. Don’t do what I have for so long and wait until you are on vacation or somewhere beautiful. The everyday is messy, but there is so much beauty in it. I hope you will give it a try and follow me on Instagram to see my series “Our Everyday.”
Here are some tips for photographing with your camera at home. Check back next week for tips and apps to help you shoot with your iPhone.
Tips for Photographing at Home:
If you would like to take a look at a few more tips I have click here and read the bottom of this post. I will be posting tips here and there on Thursdays so check back. Next week…shooting with your iPhone.
March 8, 2018
A part of my client experience is helping you with choosing the perfect outfits that express your families personality and vibe and leaving you feeling confident and comfortable. We will work together to put together the perfect collection of outfits.
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